Pejë, Kosovo
Web Development Fundamentals
This training is dedicated to students who are oriented or have knowledge in the field of information technology and want to gain basic knowledge related to web application programming, as well as employees who need to know the work of web programming.
Web Development Fundamentals
7 Mars 20224
Students Aged 13+
1. Introduction to the Web
2. Basic HTML
3. Basic CSS
4. Practice – Creating a web page with HTML, CSS and using bootstrap – e-College project
5. Basic JavaScript
6. Basic PHP
7. MySQL Development
8. PHP & MySQL
9. Practice – Creating a database for the e-College project
10. Practice – Interfacing PHP in the e-College project
11. Practice V – Continuation of project coding
60 Euro/mo
2 ditë në javë
Shqip, Anglisht dhe Boshnjakisht
The training is designed in modules and is designed to be completed 1 module per day, for a 3-month course, a total of 21 modules. All modules contain practical work.
This training is dedicated to students who are oriented or have knowledge in the field of information technology and want to gain basic knowledge related to web application programming, as well as employees who need to know the work of web programming.
• Sesione të udhëhequra nga instruktori me diskutime ndërvepruese, raste studimore dhe shembuj të botës reale.
• Ushtrime praktike dhe simulime për të përforcuar konceptet kryesore.
• Vlerësimet para dhe pas trajnimit për të matur rezultatet e të nxënit.
Web Applications
Basics of HTML and CSS
Project e-College
1. Introduction to the Web
2. Basic HTML
3. Basic CSS
4. Practice - Creating a web page with HTML, CSS and using bootstrap - e-College project
5. Basic JavaScript
6. Basic PHP
7. MySQL Development
8. PHP & MySQL
9. Practice – Creating a database for the e-College project
10. Practice – Interfacing PHP in the e-College project
11. Practice V – Continuation of project coding
Certifikata e Përfundimit Kriteret minimale: 1. Ndjekja e kursit – 80%. 2. Vlerësimi - 20%
Lis Limani